Business Scenario: Creating Sales Orders by Using Standard BAPI Function Module.
Usually in Organizations sales orders are created on every day basis based on the customer orders but the billing/invoices are generated at the end of the month. The billing Docs are generated in Tx- VF04 by collective billing process which picks all the sales orders and invoices are generated and this collective billing process runs by some Background job.
In some development/test scenario to test the Collective billing process they need bunch of sales documents. In this case to create sales orders one by one by Tx- VA01 is hectic. so in this case calling the BAPI FM to create sales orders or any BDC program for the same is really time saving. The below Post demonstrates how to use a standard BAPI to create Sales order.
Step1. Go to Tx- VA01.
Step2. Provide sales order type and other details.
Step3. Provide the sold to party, pur order number and material , quantity. Go to the Header level.
Step4. Under partners tab we can see all partners.
Step5. Now save it and a sales order number is generated.
Step6. Now go to Tx- SE11 & open the table TVAK where all the document types are defined.
Step7. For our case the document type is OR.
Step8. In the Back end OR appears as TA.
Step9. Go to Tx- BAPI and we can find the proper BAPI FM that is needed to create Sales Order.
Step10. Create the below report and call the BAPI FM & pass the header, partner, item and schedule line data and execute it.
REPORT zbapi_so_create.
PARAMETERS : p_no_so TYPE int4. " no of sales orders to be created
DATA : ls_ord_hdr TYPE bapisdhd1,
ls_ord_hdrx TYPE bapisdhd1x,
so_num TYPE bapivbeln-vbeln,
lt_so_num LIKE TABLE OF so_num,
lt_ret TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2,
lt_item TYPE TABLE OF bapisditm,
ls_item TYPE bapisditm,
lt_itemx TYPE TABLE OF bapisditmx,
ls_itemx TYPE bapisditmx,
lt_part TYPE TABLE OF bapiparnr,
ls_part TYPE bapiparnr,
lt_schd TYPE TABLE OF bapischdl ,
ls_schd TYPE bapischdl,
lt_schdx TYPE TABLE OF bapischdlx,
ls_schdx TYPE bapischdlx.
******* Fill the Sales Order Header ****************
ls_ord_hdr-doc_type = 'TA'. " ORDER Type : OR->TA as per TVAK table
ls_ord_hdr-sales_org = 'AB99'.
ls_ord_hdr-distr_chan = 'WS'.
ls_ord_hdr-division = 'LT'.
ls_ord_hdr-purch_no_c = 'ORDER_100'.
ls_ord_hdrx-updateflag = 'X'.
ls_ord_hdrx-doc_type ='X'.
ls_ord_hdrx-sales_org = 'X'.
ls_ord_hdrx-distr_chan = 'X'.
ls_ord_hdrx-division = 'X'.
ls_ord_hdrx-purch_no_c = 'X'.
*********FILL PARTNERS TABLE ******************
ls_part-partn_role = 'AG'. " SOLD TO PARTY
ls_part-partn_numb = '0000099994'.
APPEND ls_part TO lt_part.
CLEAR ls_part.
ls_part-partn_role = 'RE'. " BILL TO PARTY
ls_part-partn_numb = '0000099996'.
APPEND ls_part TO lt_part.
CLEAR ls_part.
ls_part-partn_role = 'RG'. " PAYER
ls_part-partn_numb = '0000099997'.
APPEND ls_part TO lt_part.
CLEAR ls_part.
ls_part-partn_role = 'WE'. " SHIP TO PARTY
ls_part-partn_numb = '0000099995'.
APPEND ls_part TO lt_part.
CLEAR ls_part.
*********FILL ITEMS ***********************
ls_item-itm_number = '10'.
ls_item-material = '000000000000001278'.
ls_item-plant = 'PLBN'.
ls_item-target_qty = '10'.
ls_item-target_qu = 'EA'.
APPEND ls_item TO lt_item.
CLEAR : ls_item.
ls_itemx-itm_number = '10'.
ls_itemx-material = 'X'.
ls_itemx-plant = 'X'.
ls_itemx-target_qty = 'X'.
ls_itemx-target_qu = 'X'.
APPEND ls_itemx TO lt_itemx.
CLEAR : ls_itemx.
******* SCHEDULE LINE *********************
ls_schd-itm_number = '10'.
ls_schd-req_qty = '10'.
APPEND ls_schd TO lt_schd.
CLEAR ls_schd.
ls_schdx-itm_number = '10'.
ls_schdx-req_qty = 'X'.
ls_schdx-updateflag = 'X'.
APPEND ls_schdx TO lt_schdx.
CLEAR ls_schdx.
IF p_no_so > 0.
DO p_no_so TIMES.
order_header_in = ls_ord_hdr
order_header_inx = ls_ord_hdrx
salesdocument = so_num
return = lt_ret
order_items_in = lt_item
order_items_inx = lt_itemx
order_partners = lt_part
order_schedules_in = lt_schd
order_schedules_inx = lt_schdx.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
APPEND so_num TO lt_so_num.
CLEAR so_num.
IF lt_so_num IS NOT INITIAL.
LOOP AT lt_so_num INTO so_num.
WRITE :/ 'Sales Order Generated By BAPI call-', sy-tabix , ':', so_num.
Step11. Provie a number which indicates how much Sales Order to be created.
Step12. The BAPI generates the below sales orders.
Step13. we can view the sales order in the Tx- VA03.
Step14. Provide the above created Sales Order number and hit Enter key.
Step15. We can see the details of the Sales Order created by the BAPI FM call.
Usually in Organizations sales orders are created on every day basis based on the customer orders but the billing/invoices are generated at the end of the month. The billing Docs are generated in Tx- VF04 by collective billing process which picks all the sales orders and invoices are generated and this collective billing process runs by some Background job.
In some development/test scenario to test the Collective billing process they need bunch of sales documents. In this case to create sales orders one by one by Tx- VA01 is hectic. so in this case calling the BAPI FM to create sales orders or any BDC program for the same is really time saving. The below Post demonstrates how to use a standard BAPI to create Sales order.
Step1. Go to Tx- VA01.
Step2. Provide sales order type and other details.
Step3. Provide the sold to party, pur order number and material , quantity. Go to the Header level.
Step4. Under partners tab we can see all partners.
Step5. Now save it and a sales order number is generated.
Step6. Now go to Tx- SE11 & open the table TVAK where all the document types are defined.
Step7. For our case the document type is OR.
Step8. In the Back end OR appears as TA.
Step9. Go to Tx- BAPI and we can find the proper BAPI FM that is needed to create Sales Order.
Step10. Create the below report and call the BAPI FM & pass the header, partner, item and schedule line data and execute it.
REPORT zbapi_so_create.
PARAMETERS : p_no_so TYPE int4. " no of sales orders to be created
DATA : ls_ord_hdr TYPE bapisdhd1,
ls_ord_hdrx TYPE bapisdhd1x,
so_num TYPE bapivbeln-vbeln,
lt_so_num LIKE TABLE OF so_num,
lt_ret TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2,
lt_item TYPE TABLE OF bapisditm,
ls_item TYPE bapisditm,
lt_itemx TYPE TABLE OF bapisditmx,
ls_itemx TYPE bapisditmx,
lt_part TYPE TABLE OF bapiparnr,
ls_part TYPE bapiparnr,
lt_schd TYPE TABLE OF bapischdl ,
ls_schd TYPE bapischdl,
lt_schdx TYPE TABLE OF bapischdlx,
ls_schdx TYPE bapischdlx.
******* Fill the Sales Order Header ****************
ls_ord_hdr-doc_type = 'TA'. " ORDER Type : OR->TA as per TVAK table
ls_ord_hdr-sales_org = 'AB99'.
ls_ord_hdr-distr_chan = 'WS'.
ls_ord_hdr-division = 'LT'.
ls_ord_hdr-purch_no_c = 'ORDER_100'.
ls_ord_hdrx-updateflag = 'X'.
ls_ord_hdrx-doc_type ='X'.
ls_ord_hdrx-sales_org = 'X'.
ls_ord_hdrx-distr_chan = 'X'.
ls_ord_hdrx-division = 'X'.
ls_ord_hdrx-purch_no_c = 'X'.
*********FILL PARTNERS TABLE ******************
ls_part-partn_role = 'AG'. " SOLD TO PARTY
ls_part-partn_numb = '0000099994'.
APPEND ls_part TO lt_part.
CLEAR ls_part.
ls_part-partn_role = 'RE'. " BILL TO PARTY
ls_part-partn_numb = '0000099996'.
APPEND ls_part TO lt_part.
CLEAR ls_part.
ls_part-partn_role = 'RG'. " PAYER
ls_part-partn_numb = '0000099997'.
APPEND ls_part TO lt_part.
CLEAR ls_part.
ls_part-partn_role = 'WE'. " SHIP TO PARTY
ls_part-partn_numb = '0000099995'.
APPEND ls_part TO lt_part.
CLEAR ls_part.
*********FILL ITEMS ***********************
ls_item-itm_number = '10'.
ls_item-material = '000000000000001278'.
ls_item-plant = 'PLBN'.
ls_item-target_qty = '10'.
ls_item-target_qu = 'EA'.
APPEND ls_item TO lt_item.
CLEAR : ls_item.
ls_itemx-itm_number = '10'.
ls_itemx-material = 'X'.
ls_itemx-plant = 'X'.
ls_itemx-target_qty = 'X'.
ls_itemx-target_qu = 'X'.
APPEND ls_itemx TO lt_itemx.
CLEAR : ls_itemx.
******* SCHEDULE LINE *********************
ls_schd-itm_number = '10'.
ls_schd-req_qty = '10'.
APPEND ls_schd TO lt_schd.
CLEAR ls_schd.
ls_schdx-itm_number = '10'.
ls_schdx-req_qty = 'X'.
ls_schdx-updateflag = 'X'.
APPEND ls_schdx TO lt_schdx.
CLEAR ls_schdx.
IF p_no_so > 0.
DO p_no_so TIMES.
order_header_in = ls_ord_hdr
order_header_inx = ls_ord_hdrx
salesdocument = so_num
return = lt_ret
order_items_in = lt_item
order_items_inx = lt_itemx
order_partners = lt_part
order_schedules_in = lt_schd
order_schedules_inx = lt_schdx.
IF sy-subrc = 0.
APPEND so_num TO lt_so_num.
CLEAR so_num.
IF lt_so_num IS NOT INITIAL.
LOOP AT lt_so_num INTO so_num.
WRITE :/ 'Sales Order Generated By BAPI call-', sy-tabix , ':', so_num.
Step11. Provie a number which indicates how much Sales Order to be created.
Step12. The BAPI generates the below sales orders.
Step13. we can view the sales order in the Tx- VA03.
Step14. Provide the above created Sales Order number and hit Enter key.
Step15. We can see the details of the Sales Order created by the BAPI FM call.
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