Gyan Factory

Gyan Factory
SAP Technical Project Support

Sunday, January 17, 2016

ALE IDOC with Change Pointer Technique

Transfer of  Material Master From One SAP Server to another SAP server By ALE IDOC with Change Pointer Technique
Business Scenario: Transferring Material by ALE IDoc between two SAP Systems with change pointer technique.

Sender System: DEV, Client -200.
Receiver System: QAS, client-200.

Step1. Go to Tcode- MM01 in the sender system to create a material.

Step2. Create the material: 4085, provide the details and save it. The base Unit of measure is- BT .
The technical filed name for Base Unit OF Measure is MARA-MEINS.

Step3. Material 4085 is created successfully in the sender system.

Step5. Go to Tcode- MM03 in the receiving System.

Step6. Provide the Material Number- 4085 and click Enter. Now the material Does not exist in the destination system.

Step7. Go to Tcode- BD10 in the sender system.

Step8. Provide the above created material number- 4085 , Message type and logical system. Execute it at last.

Step9. One Idoc is generated.

Step10. One Communication IDoc is also generated.

Step11. Go to Tcode- WE02 in the sender system to track the IDoc status.

Step12. The Generated ID0c- 203833 which contains material: 4085.

Step13. Go to Tcode- BDM2 in the sender system to get the Destination system IDoc number.

Step14. Provide the details and execute it.

Step15. Double click on the Highlighted line.

Step16. The Destination System IDoc number is - 199803 for the sender system IDoc Number- 203833.

Step17. Now go to Tcode- WE02 in the destination system.

Step18. Provide the Inbound IDoc number - 199803 and execute it.

Step19. The IDoc- 199803 carries the material: 4085.

Step20. Go to Tcode- MM03 in the Destination System.

Step21. Provide the Material number - 4085 ans hit Enter Key.

Step22. Now the Material is created in the destination system with Unit of Measure- BT.

Step23. Go to Tcode- BD61 in the sender system to activate the Change Pointer Globally.

Step24. Select the Check box, Save it and go back.

Step25. Go to Tcode- BD50 to Activate change pointer for the message type.

Step26. Select the Check box against 'MATMAS' message, Save it and Activate it.

Step27. Now go to Tcode- BD52 in the sender system .

Step28. Provide the Message type name and click on continue button.

Step29. The field MARA-MEINS is present for change document.

Step30. Now go to Tcode- MM02 to change the unit of measure of the material 4085.

Step31. Provide the material number- 4085 and hit Enter Key.

Step32. The Previous unit of measure is BT.

Step33. Cahnge the Unit of Measure into BAG.Save it and go Back.

Step34. In the Destination System the Base Unit of Measure is still: BT.

Step35. In case of Change pointer, Go to Tcode-BD21 to generate the IDocs for the changed objects.

Step36. Provide the message name and execute it.

Step37. As one material is change, one IDoc is generated.

Step38. One communication IDoc is generated.

Step39. GO to Tcode WE02 to track the status of the IDoc generated by change pointer.

Step40. Execute it.

Step41. The Generated ID0c- 203834 which contains material: 4085 with Unit Of Measure as BG.

Step42. Now go to tcode- BDM2 in the source system to get the Destination System IDoc number.

Step43. Provide the details and execute it.

Step44. Double click on the highlighted line.

Step45. The IDoc- 199804 is generated in the destination system for the the source system IDoc- 203834.

Step46. Go to Tcode- WE02 in the destination system.

Step47. Provide the IDoc Number: 199804  and execute it.

Step48. The details of the IDoc is displayed below.

Step49. NOw go to Tcode- MM03 in the destination system.

Step50. Provide the material Number- 4085 and hit Enter key.

Step51. Now the Unit Of Measure is changed in the destination system by Change pointer technique.

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