Append Search Help
Append Search help is a enhancement technique that allows to extend the standard collective search help with additional elementary search help option. The below post describes how it can be achived.
Step1. So here we have the table EBAN which stores the Purchase requisition.
Step2. The search help MBAN_C is associated with the field BANFN. This is a collective search help. Select the Included Search Help Tab.
Step4. So the collective search help contains One standard Append search help. Select the Tab Included Search Help.
Step5. So here teh list of 10 elementary search help that is added to the append search help.
Step6. Press the test button and then click on the F4 option.
Step7. Here 10 elementary search help options are available and the user can chose any one them to select particular banfn(purchase requisition) value.
Step8. Open the table EBAN and go to the data browser screen. Here there is a field PSTYP which indicates the different item category. So in the standard there are 10 item categories are available from 0 to 9. So we want to extend the collective search help MBAN_C with 10 more ways of selection for each of the item category by using the append search help technique.
Step9. Choose one value 0 and see the number of entries in the table.
Step10. Choose value 1 and see the number of entries in the table.
Step11. Choose value 2 and see the number of entries in the table.
Step12. Choose value 3 and see the number of entries in the table.
Step13. Choose value 4 and see the number of entries in the table.
Step14. Choose value 5 and see the number of entries in the table.
Step15. Choose value 6 and see the number of entries in the table.
Step16. Choose value 7 and see the number of entries in the table.
Step17. Choose value 8 and see the number of entries in the table.
Step18. Choose value 9 and see the number of entries in the table.
Step19. Let's create help view on the table EBAN for different pstyp(item category). So that we can use the help view in the search help.
Step20. Add the below fields from the table to the Help view.
Step21. Put the condition where EBAN-PSTYP = 0.
Step22. Activate the help view. Similarly create 9 more help view for different EBAN-PSTYP value.
Step32. Now we have 10 help views on the table EBAN for different values of EBAN-PSTYP. Let's create 10 elementary search help by considering the 10 help views.
Step42. Up to this point the 10 required elementary search helps are ready to be included in the append search help of the collective search help.
Open the collective search help : MBAN_C in SE11 and from the menu option Goto, select Append search help.
Step43. Click on the Create button.
Step44. Provide a append search help name and continue.
Step45. Provide short description and select Included search help tab.
Step46. Here add the 10 above created elementary search help to it and select one by one search help and click on the parameter assignment tab and do the parameter assignment. Activate it and finally click on the test button.
Step47. Press the F4 option against the field BNAFN.
Step48. So here we can the 10 different ways of selecting the values.
Step49. Choose view-3.
Step50. Now go back.
Step51. Here our append search help.
Step52. Now the append search help is assigned to the Collective search help. Test the collective search help.
Step53. Click on the F4 option.
Step54. Along with the standard 10 search option our search option under the append search help appears in the result screen.
Step55. Test it in a report as well.
Step56. so here we have the option coming out of the new append search help assigned to the collective search help.
Append Search help is a enhancement technique that allows to extend the standard collective search help with additional elementary search help option. The below post describes how it can be achived.
Step1. So here we have the table EBAN which stores the Purchase requisition.
Step2. The search help MBAN_C is associated with the field BANFN. This is a collective search help. Select the Included Search Help Tab.
Step4. So the collective search help contains One standard Append search help. Select the Tab Included Search Help.
Step5. So here teh list of 10 elementary search help that is added to the append search help.
Step6. Press the test button and then click on the F4 option.
Step7. Here 10 elementary search help options are available and the user can chose any one them to select particular banfn(purchase requisition) value.
Step8. Open the table EBAN and go to the data browser screen. Here there is a field PSTYP which indicates the different item category. So in the standard there are 10 item categories are available from 0 to 9. So we want to extend the collective search help MBAN_C with 10 more ways of selection for each of the item category by using the append search help technique.
Step9. Choose one value 0 and see the number of entries in the table.
Step10. Choose value 1 and see the number of entries in the table.
Step11. Choose value 2 and see the number of entries in the table.
Step12. Choose value 3 and see the number of entries in the table.
Step13. Choose value 4 and see the number of entries in the table.
Step14. Choose value 5 and see the number of entries in the table.
Step15. Choose value 6 and see the number of entries in the table.
Step16. Choose value 7 and see the number of entries in the table.
Step17. Choose value 8 and see the number of entries in the table.
Step18. Choose value 9 and see the number of entries in the table.
Step19. Let's create help view on the table EBAN for different pstyp(item category). So that we can use the help view in the search help.
Step20. Add the below fields from the table to the Help view.
Step21. Put the condition where EBAN-PSTYP = 0.
Step22. Activate the help view. Similarly create 9 more help view for different EBAN-PSTYP value.
Step32. Now we have 10 help views on the table EBAN for different values of EBAN-PSTYP. Let's create 10 elementary search help by considering the 10 help views.
Step42. Up to this point the 10 required elementary search helps are ready to be included in the append search help of the collective search help.
Open the collective search help : MBAN_C in SE11 and from the menu option Goto, select Append search help.
Step43. Click on the Create button.
Step44. Provide a append search help name and continue.
Step45. Provide short description and select Included search help tab.
Step46. Here add the 10 above created elementary search help to it and select one by one search help and click on the parameter assignment tab and do the parameter assignment. Activate it and finally click on the test button.
Step47. Press the F4 option against the field BNAFN.
Step48. So here we can the 10 different ways of selecting the values.
Step49. Choose view-3.
Step50. Now go back.
Step51. Here our append search help.
Step52. Now the append search help is assigned to the Collective search help. Test the collective search help.
Step53. Click on the F4 option.
Step54. Along with the standard 10 search option our search option under the append search help appears in the result screen.
Step55. Test it in a report as well.
Step56. so here we have the option coming out of the new append search help assigned to the collective search help.
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