Gyan Factory

Gyan Factory
SAP Technical Project Support

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Transferring Material Master from One Client to Another Client in same SAP System By using ALE IDOC

Download as PDF attachment.
Sender Client – 200, Receiving Client – 300
Login to 200 Client.
Step1. Creating Logical Systems for client 200 and 300.

Go to TCode- SALE and Navigate along the Highlighted Path and Click on Define Logical System.

Click On New Entries.

Create two Logical Systems for two clients, save it and click on the back button.

The two logical systems now appear in the ‘Logical System’ List.

Step-2. Assigning Logical System to Clients.

Go to TCode : SALE and Navigate along the Highlighted Path and click on Assign Logical System
to Client.

Now double click on client 200.

Assign the logical system (SENDER_200) to the client 200, click on SAVE button and then click on BACK and then double click on client 300.

Maintain the Logical System ‘RECEIV_300’to the Client 300 and SAVE it and at last click on BACK button.

Step3. Maintaining RFC Destination to connect to client 300.

Go to TCode SALE and Navigate along the highlighted Path.(Or Directly Go to Tcode SM59).

In client 200, create a RFC destination DEV_300 to connect to 300 client.

Now Click on Connection test Button.

Now Log in to Client 300 and go to TCode SM59 and create a RFC Destination DEV_200 to connect 
to client 200.

Click on connection test.

Step4. Login to client 200.Go to TCode WE21 to create tRFC Port.
Select Transactional RFC and click on create Button.

Select First radio Button (Generate Port Name) and click on Continue button.

Provide the description and RFC Destination and Click on save button. So here Port A000000033 is generated.

Login to the Client 300. And go to TCode WE21 and generate Port .
Select  tRFC and click on Create Button.

Select the First radio button and click on continue button.

Provide the description, provide the RFC Destination and click on SAVE button. The Generated Port is ‘A000000022’.

Step5. Login to Client 200.Creating Customer Distribution Model. Go to TCode SALE or BD64 and navigate along the shown path.Click on Model Distribution.

Click on the Change Button and then click on ‘Create Model View’.

Provide the description and the Name and then click on the Continue button.

Now click on the 'Add Message Type' button.

In the popup, Provide the Distribution model name, the sender system, receiver system and the message type to be passed. Here Message type is 'MATMAS' to pas material master.At last click on the Continue button.

After this the Customer distribution model looks like as below shown:

Step6. Creating Partner Profiles in sender system (Client 200).

Go to TCode BD82. Provide the above created Distribution Model name and click on F8 button.

Two Partner Profiles RECEIV_300 and SENDER_200 have been created.

Step7. Go to TCode- WE20 to assign port to the Partner Profile. Select Partner Type LS.

In the Sender System the Partner profile ‘RECEIVE_300’ is configured only.

So double click on ‘RECEIV_300’ partner profile. Under the Outbound parameters section 
click on the 
add button (Create Outbound Parameters).

Provide the message type, the port number, the Idoc type and then click on the save button,
 then click
 on the back button. 

Again click on the ADD  button under Outbound Section. Maintain the below highlighted details,
 save and then Click on the back button.

At last the Partner profile 'RECEIV_300' looks like as shown below:

Step8. The Customer distribution Model [MAT_TEST1] has to be distributed so that the same 
will appear in the receiving client 300.

Go to TCode BD64 in the client 300. The CDM [MAT_TEST1] is not available in the list.

Now go to TCode- BD64 of the client 200 and distribute the model to the target client.

Choose the target system and click on the continue button.

A success message as shown below.

Step9. The configuration in the 200 client is done. Now login to the client 300 and go to tcode BD64 
to see the distribution model [MAT_TEST1].

Step10. [In client 300]Go to TCode BD82 to generate Partner Profile. Mention the Distribution
 model name and then click on the F8 button to generate the partner profile.

The message is shown below.

Step11.[In client 300], Go to TCode – WE20 to see the generated partner profile and assigning 
the port.In the receiving system configure the Partner Profile 'SENDER_200'.

Now double click on the Inbound Parameter ‘MATMAS’ and provide the details as highlighted 
below and save it. Click on back button.

Now click on the add under the Outbound Parameters and mention the below highlighted
 parameters and save it.

After this the partner profile ‘SENDER_200’ looks like as below.

Now all the necessary configuration steps are done in client 200 and client 300.

Now create a material in the client 200 and test if it is present in client 300.

Step12. [In client 200]. Go to TCode MM01 and create a material master: 
Here for example the material created [3767].

Step13. [In client 300]. Go to TCode MM03 and see whether material 3767 is present or not.

Step 14. [In client 200]. Go to TCode BD10.  Provide the material number and the Message type 
and press F8.

Step15. [In client 200]. Go to TCode WE02 or WE05 to monitor the idoc. Provide the Port
 Number and click on F8 button.

The details of the IDOC created and dispatched is shown below:

Step16.[In client 300]. Go to TCode WE02 or WE05.

The details of the Idoc received on the Receiver side is shown below:

Step 17. [In client 300]. Go to TCode MM03 and provide the material number- 3767.

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