Gyan Factory

Gyan Factory
SAP Technical Project Support

Friday, January 8, 2016


Different Types of Windows in SAP Script:

WINDOWS: Windows are defined in the layout of the script at a particular position with desired width and height and only windows are capable of displaying text as well as logo on the page of the script.

1. MAIN Window:-  This is a floating window or continuous window. If the text in the main window fills up a page, automatically a new page is created and the main window is extended to that page. 
Only one MAIN window can be defined in the script but up to 99 instances (00  to 98) of the MAIN window can be defined in each page.

2. Variable Window:- is capable of displaying variable contents  and the contents can not exceed the window size.

3. Constant Window:- is capable of displaying only a fixed content.
Here let's see how the MAIN windows flows to multiple pages automatically based on the run time data.
Step1.  Here the script contains only one MAIN window which is added to the page windows.  Fix the MAIN window height as 5 CM. Select the MAIN window and click on the TEXT Element button.

Step2. TOP - ENDTOP : is used to display content on the top of the main window while BOTTOM-ENDBOTTOM displays the content at the end of the window.
Also define a text element as :TXT_ELEM_1. Go back and activate the script.

Step3. Do the printing Text.

Step4. So we have the below output.

Step5. Create the driver program for the above script and  execute it.

Step6. So we have the below output. The records are span over 3 pages as each page is having a main window height of 5 cm. So the MAIN window spans to multiple pages depending upon the content size

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